We have a staff of highly qualified and well equipped tour leaders who work together with our trusted local guides on each destination in order to provide you with the best possible traveling experience.
Marcelo Gavensky
Director - Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Marcelo started birding at the age of 10, when he got his first binoculars and field guide, and hasn't stopped ever since. Growing up in a small town in the province of Buenos Aires Pampas helped him develop his birding skills, and later on he gained fieldwork experience in many biological research projects, (especially in northern Patagonia, where he lived several years) and as a guide at the Argentine Museum of Natural History. In 2010, he decided to combine his skills and entrepreneurial spirit and started his first birding tour brand (Birding Buenos Aires), which grew successfully and gave birth to Birds Argentina and Natural Birding. Over the years he has guided birdwatchers from all over the world, including top birding personalities such as Noah Strycker during his Worldwide Big Year in 2015 (when they got the top mark of new target birds for the whole year) and David Sibley, author of the best-selling field guide "The Sibley Guide to Birds". Marcelo has extensive birding experience in all of Argentina and most South American countries, plus parts of Africa and the Middle East. A birding tourism consultant, he has trained and given courses for birding guides from many different countries and is a founding member of the "Argentine Birding Guides Association" (AGOA). Marcelo is especially skilled with bird calls and songs, and makes a great companion for any birder or nature lover.
Marcelo Gavensky
Director - Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Marcelo started birding at the age of 10, when he got his first binoculars and field guide, and hasn't stopped ever since. Growing up in a small town in the province of Buenos Aires Pampas helped him develop his birding skills, and later on he gained fieldwork experience in many biological research projects, (especially in northern Patagonia, where he lived several years) and as a guide at the Argentine Museum of Natural History. In 2010, he decided to combine his skills and entrepreneurial spirit and started his first birding tour brand (Birding Buenos Aires), which grew successfully and gave birth to Birds Argentina and Natural Birding. Over the years he has guided birdwatchers from all over the world, including top birding personalities such as Noah Strycker during his Worldwide Big Year in 2015 (when they got the top mark of new target birds for the whole year) and David Sibley, author of the best-selling field guide "The Sibley Guide to Birds". Marcelo has extensive birding experience in all of Argentina and most South American countries, plus parts of Africa and the Middle East. A birding tourism consultant, he has trained and given courses for birding guides from many different countries and is a founding member of the "Argentine Birding Guides Association" (AGOA). Marcelo is especially skilled with bird calls and songs, and makes a great companion for any birder or nature lover.
Steve Sánchez Calle
Birds & Nature Watching and Photography trips Tour Leader
Steve was born in Peru and spent his childhood in the Andes and the rainforest of Cusco. After completing his studies to become an Official Tourist Guide he started work as a birding guide in countries such as Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, where he has now been leading birding trips for over 13 years. His photography has featured in many well-known national and international publications, media and books. Steve gives talks on birding and wildlife tourism, participates in conferences and teaches wildlife photography and birding through workshops and courses, contributing to some wildlife projects as a birding tourism consultant. He is also great company in the field and one of the best nature photography guides in South America.
Steve Sánchez Calle
Birds & Nature Watching and Photography trips Tour Leader
Steve was born in Peru and spent his childhood in the Andes and the rainforest of Cusco. After completing his studies to become an Official Tourist Guide he started work as a birding guide in countries such as Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, where he has now been leading birding trips for over 13 years. His photography has featured in many well-known national and international publications, media and books. Steve gives talks on birding and wildlife tourism, participates in conferences and teaches wildlife photography and birding through workshops and courses, contributing to some wildlife projects as a birding tourism consultant. He is also great company in the field and one of the best nature photography guides in South America.
Andrés De Miguel
Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Andrés was born and raised in a small town in the edge of the great urban area of Buenos Aires and the countryside of the Argentine Pampas. Ever since his childhood he has had a strong interest in nature - especially in birds, which he admired and observed carefully. He is a biologist from the University of Buenos Aires, specialized in ornithology, and for his degree finals studyied the very rare Austral Rail (Rallus antarcticus). He has worked on several conservation projects in many regions of Argentina, most notably the Hooded Grebe program in Patagonia, and the Saffron-cowled Blackbird program in north-east Argentina, both of which were conducted by the local partner of Birdlife International. He participated in bird surveys and is currently a reviewer for eBird Argentina. He loves sharing his passion and experience, and is extremely pleasant company in the field.
Andrés De Miguel
Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Andrés was born and raised in a small town in the edge of the great urban area of Buenos Aires and the countryside of the Argentine Pampas. Ever since his childhood he has had a strong interest in nature - especially in birds, which he admired and observed carefully. He is a biologist from the University of Buenos Aires, specialized in ornithology, and for his degree finals studyied the very rare Austral Rail (Rallus antarcticus). He has worked on several conservation projects in many regions of Argentina, most notably the Hooded Grebe program in Patagonia, and the Saffron-cowled Blackbird program in north-east Argentina, both of which were conducted by the local partner of Birdlife International. He participated in bird surveys and is currently a reviewer for eBird Argentina. He loves sharing his passion and experience, and is extremely pleasant company in the field.
Laura Dodyk
Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Laura was born in the city of Buenos Aires. She became interested in nature during her childhood and was able to visit most of Argentina's national parks at a very young age. When she was 9 years old, during a trip to Iguazu National Park she realised that she was going to have a close relationship with birds for the rest of her life. Apart from her guiding activity, she currently works at the local partner of Birdlife International, where she leads the Migratory Bird Program and participates in other conservation projects such as the Atlantic Forest Project, Grassland Alliance, Yellow Cardinal program and others. She is also a reviewer for eBird Argentina and constantly participates in bird surveys in different regions of the country. Sharing her enjoyment of birds is her passion.
Laura Dodyk
Birds & Nature Watching trips Tour Leader
Laura was born in the city of Buenos Aires. She became interested in nature during her childhood and was able to visit most of Argentina's national parks at a very young age. When she was 9 years old, during a trip to Iguazu National Park she realised that she was going to have a close relationship with birds for the rest of her life. Apart from her guiding activity, she currently works at the local partner of Birdlife International, where she leads the Migratory Bird Program and participates in other conservation projects such as the Atlantic Forest Project, Grassland Alliance, Yellow Cardinal program and others. She is also a reviewer for eBird Argentina and constantly participates in bird surveys in different regions of the country. Sharing her enjoyment of birds is her passion.
Paulina Feyling
Office assistant
Paulina is a tourism professional with more than 15 years of experience, including a rich background in guiding and teaching (at the University of Avellaneda). She is always highly enthusiastic when it comes to promoting our tours and will be delighted to help you, answer all your detailed questions and work out the best travel options for you.
Paulina Feyling
Office assistant
Paulina is a tourism professional with more than 15 years of experience, including a rich background in guiding and teaching (at the University of Avellaneda). She is always highly enthusiastic when it comes to promoting our tours and will be delighted to help you, answer all your detailed questions and work out the best travel options for you.